
Back in 2006, as my father was dealing with advanced dementia(痴呆), our family faced a serious set of challenges. In addition to his health problems, we struggled with the lack of transparency in what his health insurance plan covered, and with substantial out-of-pocket costs. We were often left with unexpected bills after appointments and medical procedures with little recourse(援助).At times-it felt as though the system was set up against us. On several occasions, his insurance company interfered with his treatment, dictating important decisions about his care rather than his doctors. And there was little we could do about it. Helping my mom navigate the process proved to be a frustrating and expensive burden on us. Throughout it all, I would often wonder how many other families were in the same boat struggling with rising health care costs and the worst insurance industry abuses.Not long after my dad passed away, I first heard then Senator Obama speak about his own mother's struggles with health insuran

What's the writer's attitude towards the old health insurance system?

  • A、Favorable.
  • B、Disapproving.
  • C、Doubtful.
  • D、Unconcerned.

How long has the writer worked for the Affordable Care Act?

  • A、Two years.
  • B、Three years.
  • C、Five years.
  • D、Seven years.

What can we learn from the last paragraph?

  • A、The writer's father has died.[来
  • B、The writer's mother has died.
  • C、Obama's mother has died.
  • D、The Affordable Care Act has been passed.

The underlined phrase in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to "()".

  • A、going by ship
  • B、taking the same boat
  • C、in the same good state
  • D、in the same difficult situation

Which of the following is NOT included in the writer's family challenges?

  • A、The problem of payment.
  • B、The problem of wealth plan.
  • C、The problem of unexpected costs.
  • D、The problem of health insurance plan.
